Friday Round-Up - Close Call

This picture has nothing to do with this post. I just love these shoes and wish that I was wearing them
while watching the CrossFit Games in person. That's all.

This is the Friday Round-Up that almost didn't happen. Dramatic, I know but I have been without consistent Internet access since Tuesday. Tuesday people!! Almost three full days with no connection. I know what some of you might be thinking, "What's the big deal Christine? So you can't read some blogs or order stuff online. Disconnect. Unplug. It's good for you." 

In theory, yes. But the thing is is that when you are a self-employed consultant whose work largely revolves around researching, communicating and collaborating on documents online, it IS a big deal. No work = no billable hours = no pay. My husband an I have been running around to different cafes and restaurants to use their free wifi, calling the cable company, and waiting for the cable guy. My poor phone has been worked overtime trying to make up for my computer. Finally, on Thursday afternoon, our modem's lights twinkled and our router beamed a glorious green "all-clear" light.


I did manage to read some great blog posts this week and, of course, wanted to share them with you.

Negative Thoughts Are Wasted Space
I really loved this post by Lindsay over at The Lean Green Bean. I often fall into the same trap as Lindsay when I see pictures of myself which is why I don't like being in pictures much. But I love her approach to dispelling the negative thoughts. It's definitely worth a read.

Throw Out the F*cking Scale
I think that the title says it all. I don't weigh myself very often because I can easily become obsessed with the number on the scale. I love Bex's honesty in the this post and her message - that scales can't measure passion, ability, strength, compassion or potential.

Genetics Loaded In the Gun
This post by Carla over at MizFitOnline has generated some interesting discussion, the premise being that genetics loads the gun but environment pulls the trigger. I agree with this statement - that while we may be predisposed to certain attributes, diseases/ailments, behaviors, etc., we can create an environment that either stops or encourages its development. I've seen so many examples of people and communities coming together to change the negative systems around them and create a new reality / environment for themselves and their families. Where do you stand?

Are You a Risk Taker?
Missy at Literal Mom shares her story about running with the bulls in Spain. In her words, "Taking a risk like that brings on an almost unimaginable rush if you've never experienced it." But Missy's a responsible risk taker. For example, she uses a drunk Spaniard to shield her from a charging bull. Smart woman.

New York Introduces Its First Adult Playground
Did you read about this? New York City is testing the first adult playground in the Bronx and has plans to bring as many as 2 dozen more across 5 boroughs in next 18 months. Adult playgrounds are essentially outdoor gyms and are the City's latest effort to get people moving and to combat the rising rates of obesity in the city. I'd imagine that Jess aka Blonde Ponytail would have a ball coming up with playground workouts. Would you use it?

Lastly, Women's Running has a contest going on right now to choose a Cover Model for an upcoming issue. Dorothy from Mile-Posts is one of the women nominated and she is simply amazing. She is a marathoner, coach and mom of three adorable kids. She pushes all three in a stroller when she runs. It would be incredible to see her on the cover. Could you hop on over here and vote for her? It will only take two seconds. 

Tell me, what else did I miss this week? What would you have done without the Internet for 3 days. Share with me please! 

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