FITNESS Magazine Meet & Tweet

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

I woke up this morning exhausted. And overwhelmed - that would be one way to describe how I feel right now after having attended the FITNESS Magazine Meet & Tweet event yesterday aka #FitBlogNYC. Overwhelmed by the incredible blogging community. Overwhelmed by the things that I learned yesterday and the incredible products we got to view and test out. Overwhelmed to be part of the amazing Fitfluential community and grateful for the opportunity to attend. Overwhelmed by the swag!!

The best part by far was the opportunity to meet in person many of the bloggers that I've been following or have started to develop a friendship with over the past couple of months - EricaJessMicheleJessicaCatMariaCharlotteAmyFatBottomSlimJen and I know that I'm missing others! Plus, finally getting to meet Kelly Olexa, the Founder and CEO of Fitfluential, and Miz - two absolutely amazing and inspiring women! I also got to hang out with Melissa, a friend of mine who I met through my Mommy's group 5 years ago!


Me and Erica. She created the beautiful necklace I'm wearing and is even sweeter in person than I imagined.
Cat and Maria are even more adorable in person.
Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)
The event was set up on the second floor of the Metropolitan Pavilion. As you entered, you had the chance to chat and mingle and check out the sponsor booths along the perimeter of the space.

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

Betty Wong, Editor and Chief of FITNESS Magazine, and Mia Hamm opened up the event. Mia Hamm!! She is one of the best female athletes ever and super sweet. She was there with the nonprofit organization Grain Food Foundation which is dedicated to advancing the understand of the important role of grains in a healthful diet. She took pictures with everyone and signed a mini soccer ball. Of course, unlike Michele who went before me and asked Mia to sign the ball to her son, when I was asked, I promptly answered, "No, please make it out to Christine."

Photo courtesy of Michele.

The event itself included a series of panels of experts sharing the latest news and info about nutrition, health, beauty and fashion. Here are some highlights from the event.

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

A.J. Jacobs, author of Drop Dead Health, shared some of the lessons he's learned along his one year journey to improve his health and mind. He was hilarious and really fun. Some of the lessons he shared were:

  • Respect your older self. If you keep your older self in mind - that you wish for a good life for yourself when you are older - you will respect treat yourself better NOW.
  • Embrace contextual exercise. Fit exercise and fitness into your daily life activities. 
  • Noise is detrimental to health as it causes stress levels to rise. People who work in noisy environments have 2-3 time higher rate of heart disease. He wears his noise canceling headphones, even at home...with his three boys. That might be a strategy I might have to take up!!
  • Sitting is the new smoking. It's horrible for your health.

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)
Keri Gans, Tanya Zuckerbrot and FITNESS Nutrition Editor spoke about the real deal on carbs, cleanses and caffeine.

  • Carbs don't make you fat. Excess carbs make you fat. Think of your body as a car. if you fill your car up with too much gas, it overflows. If you fill your body with too many carbs, it turns to excess fat.
  • Cardio is not the answer to weight loss. Nutrition is the major factor. Nutrition and sleep. 
  • There are no real health benefits to cleanses. It's not a long term solution because they are missing so many nutrients and micro-nutrients.
  • Cleanses can be expensive. Better to spend that same money on real, healthy food, vegetables and fruits. 

FITNESS Fashion Director Argy Koutsothanasis shared some tips to extend the use of your gym clothes. FITNESS staff modeled some cute outfits!

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

The afternoon ended with a panel that included Fitfluential folks on How to Turn Your Blog into a Business. I must say, Kelly OlexaCarla BirnbergJulie Fagan and Tina Haupert rocked this session and shared some really great tips about blogging and freelancing. They took the time to answer many questions from audience members. It was a packed house!!

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)
The 3 things that I took away included:
  • For freelancers, start by approaching local papers, magazines, etc. and think outside of the box. Consider companies and others that might have a blog and need content. (Julie)
  • Pitch something that only YOU can write. The magazine/paper/etc. will come back to you because of your voice. (Miz)
  • Reputation will follow you. (Kelly)
The event ended with a pop-up Tabura class via KiwiSweat. Tabura is a mix of African dancing, kick boxing and pretty much everything else thrown together and it looked intense! I admit, I was kind of jealous I didn't get to take part. 

Thank you to FITNESS Magazine and all the sponsors - Reebok, Oakley, Birkenstock, CamelBak, Grain Foods Foundation, KiwiSweat, Pure Protein, Schick Hydro Silk, Sun-Maid, V8 V-Fusion and Vichy. Thanks to New Media Strategies for putting on such a great event! 

Here are a few more pictures from the event.

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

Photo: Steven Meyer (courtesy of FITNESS Magazine)

Ridiculous swag bag. My shoulders nearly fell off getting this stuff home. Dream come true - another pair of pink sneaks!!

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