Rainy Day Dreaming

It is raining buckets on the Mendocino Coast. I have a ton of rainy day projects lined-up and have been making some progress. Progress is limited though as I love a quiet, rainy day at home listening to the rain, reading, and day dreaming.

Today it is quite windy. With the ground saturated from recent rains, it is likely that some trees will blow over and knock the power out. No problem for us. We are prepared with candles, battery powered radio, and camp stove. If my post isn't published today, it is because the power went out or because I just relaxed and enjoyed the rainy day. What I am a little fretful about is having to drive 1.5 hours to Ukiah for jury duty tomorrow.

I recently signed up for a Twitter account. You can now follow me as Woman on Water. I am not looking forward to another time consuming social media platform but am enjoying many of the informative posts on twitter as well as networking with new "friends."


This morning's noteworthy new discovery on Twitter was Badger Paddles. Please check them out. They are a small business in Ontario, Canada carving gorgeous wooden canoe paddles. I love their different shapes and of course think that their water color paddles are super cool.

I am finding that Twitter is a good platform for me to tweet and retweet noteworthy businesses, websites, videos, photos, and information without overloading the Liquid Fusion Kayaking Facebook page. Yesterday, I was tempted to tweet the surf conditions as Jeff and I scouted for surf. However, I haven't connected my cell phone to Twitter yet and am still resisting being totally connected.

Speaking of Facebook, I have started a Woman on Water Facebook Page. If you check out the page, you will see why I started it. I am not sure where I am going to go with the page. Feel free to "Like" it, share suggestions with me, and see how it evolves.

As it rains, I find myself day dreaming of whitewater kayaking and connecting with my "foul-weather friends." We call our whitewater boating friends foul-weather friends because it takes rainy weather for our whitewater runs to flow and rarely do we get to enjoy a warm, sunny day of whitewater kayaking in Mendocino County. Believe it or not, there is a contingency of us foul-weather boaters. We obsessively monitor weather forecasting websites and of course Dreamflows for the river flows.

The ocean has been very stormy with thunderous surf, frothing waves, rugged whitecaps, and channels of muddy waters streaming from flooded rivers and creeks. One can glance at local webcams like Caspar RV's beach cam or check out videos posted on YouTube. However, one of the best spots to check out the ocean is Todd's Point/Pomo Bluffs in Fort Bragg. I think it would be a great spot for a webcam; however, I would still walk or drive there to see it in person.

It is noon and time to step away from the computer. A quick peak a the webcams and radar will help me determine my afternoon plans. Perhaps a kayak surf session or maybe a cozy afternoon of reading. I hope that your options for the afternoon are equally as promising.

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