And Then There Were Two...Surfboards

If you lived in a not-so-big Brooklyn apartment and recently purchased one rather large surfboard, what would you do next? You buy a second surfboard, obviously. Okay, maybe that's not so logical but it seems that common sense has flown out the door and has been replaced by a new found obsession and preoccupation with all things surf. In theory, it makes sense if you think about it. How can two people who both surf share one surfboard? In that case, Ed and I would have to take turns. One of us would have to sit on the beach while the other surfed. This way, we could both be in the water together. Although it is funny because on the occasions that Ed and I are out surfing together, we are no where near each other. Ed sits off on one side of one jetty while I position myself near the opposite jetty.  

Ed decided that he would ask for contributions to a surfboard fund from both our families as a combined Christmas/Birthday gift this year. One thing that you need to know about my husband is that he can be a very difficult person to buy presents for. He never wants or needs anything. He doesn't like to have things in excess. The fact that he was actually asking for something specific was unheard of. Both of our families quickly agreed and a few weeks later, another big cardboard box showed up at our doorstep.


The boys were super excited to help unwrap the box. They even got to take the first ride on the board.

I want them to be curious and interested in surfing and to be willing to give it a try. How great would it be to learn to surf when you are young as opposed to when you are in your mid-30s?!?? Sigh. They know that Mommy and Daddy like to surf. We've shown them pictures and video and brought them  to the Quiksilver Pro New York contest back in September. The little one, for lack of knowing any better, is willing to try anything. Occasionally, out of the blue, he will mention that he wants to go surfing. The older one, on the other hand, is a bit more skeptical. He asks us questions like, "Do you fall off the surfboard?" "What happens when you fall off?" "Do you fall into the ocean and go underwater??!" I think I have to work on him a bit.

So what exactly is our second surfboard? It's a 7'6" Santa Cruz Pumpkin Seed. The coaches at Surf Simply raved about these boards. You have to understand, these guys are total surf geeks, especially when it comes to surfboards and board designs. To hear them speak so highly about a board made our ears perk a bit and we began researching the Pumpkin Seed. We figured that this would be a good second board for us to have and would allow lots of room for progression. Maybe too much room?

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