Why should I take lessons?
So many times, I have heard people (OK, just guys, I have never heard a girl say this) say "I don't need a lesson". "I can learn everything I need to know about kitesurfing from youtube/a magazine/a DVD/watching my friends do it".
I say - take a lesson.
It may save your life one day!
Kitesurfing has a lot of hazards and dangers involved with it, people die kitesurfing, a lot of the time because they didn't know what they were doing in challenging conditions.
A good lesson will start with the basics of the kite, you will learn about safety releases, how to depower the kite, where the wind window is and how to use it to control your kite. You will learn how to launch and land your kite safely. Remember an out of control kite is not just a danger to you, but to others around you too!
You can probably teach yourself the kite basics with a small trainer kite and DVD.
However when it comes to the real thing, I strongly suggest you take at least three lessons.
Lesson 1 will involve learning about the kite, launching and landing and safety features.
Lesson 2 will involve body dragging in water, feeling the power of the kite and how to control that power.
Lesson 3 will involve you trying to put a board on your feet, and getting up and riding.
After that lessons are up to you, but those first three lessons, in my opinion, will make you a safer kiter and hopefully more respectful to the dangers that the sport can have.
I say - take a lesson.
It may save your life one day!
A good lesson will start with the basics of the kite, you will learn about safety releases, how to depower the kite, where the wind window is and how to use it to control your kite. You will learn how to launch and land your kite safely. Remember an out of control kite is not just a danger to you, but to others around you too!
However when it comes to the real thing, I strongly suggest you take at least three lessons.
Lesson 1 will involve learning about the kite, launching and landing and safety features.
Lesson 2 will involve body dragging in water, feeling the power of the kite and how to control that power.
Lesson 3 will involve you trying to put a board on your feet, and getting up and riding.
After that lessons are up to you, but those first three lessons, in my opinion, will make you a safer kiter and hopefully more respectful to the dangers that the sport can have.
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