Board Leash

There are two opinions on board leashes, and I will admit to having recently changed my mind on them.
A board leash is a device that you attach to your board, and usually your harness to stop your board from floating away when you come off it.
There are two types of leash, a short bungee leash and a reel leash.  The reel leash, tends to have a much longer line that is coiled into a holder, the leash itself is thin and does not have much elastic.  The short leash tends to be very elastic, similar to a bungee cord.
I learned with a board leash and I found it very useful when I was beginning, as I would fall off from my board a lot and it meant that all I had to do was pull on the leash (I had a reel leash) and tow my board back in to me.
Although convenient, I have seen and heard of too many leash accidents recently, that I am now of the opinion that board leashes are more dangerous than convenient.
There have been several instances where the board leash has recoiled the board back into the rider resulting in head and face injuries.  Lost teeth, cut faces, sliced scalps, all of which have been caused by the board leash. 
There are several graphic websites which show the damage caused by board leashes which you can google, as they are not for the faint hearted.
My advice is to make sure that you know how to bodydrag upwind, this is where you position your body in such a way that you can use your kite to pull you upwind.  You may have to tack a few times, but body dragging upwind is the best way to get to your lost board.
My other tip is to write your e-mail or phone number on your board, that way if you do lose it, somebody knows how to get it back to you.
Kiters are a friendly crew and we have all been at the beginner stage.  I make an effort to pick up a board and bring it to a kiter if I can see they are struggling to get upwind, so all is not lost. 
Remember this is a close community, and we all look out for each other, and I bet every single kiter has lost their board on at least one occasion :)

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