A Malaysian Surfer Gurl stories...Part 2

My days in Solscape, Raglan is getting better each day other with good people around. Too many parties, poker night, movie night.. etc.. Time flies when you're having a good time ay, it has almost come to my second month in Raglan. Im still having fun... more fun each time actually.. My routine in Raglan is get up at 6am everyday without failed cause early bird get the worms,surf for 3 hours then work at Sol for 1.5 hours to pay off my rent, lunch then surf again, dinner, movie/poker night...

Gosh !!!! i miss those time very much.. i remember pretty well that when i first paddled out to the line up at Manu bay, i was impressed by the local groms and girl surfing. HOLY shit !! they farking rips... its a whole different level of surfing here. surfing standard here is so high.. I don't think the rest of the world realise what they have in New Zealand.
However the thought of somewhere completely different, like New Zealand, is a destination on the mind of everyone. Once they get here they will be blown away.Winter has arrived, everyone in solscape started leaving the ugly weather ahead. i was pretty excited about spending my first winter in my life abroad though. weather is getting real cold in Raglan each day especially for me coming from a tropical country.
i saw hail first time in my life on the 24th june. it was pretty cool to see.. i was jumping with joy in the station house when i saw the deck filled with white pieces of ice.. people around me think i was crazy cause it was 1 degree celcius and everyone is freezing their butt off and stay as close as possible to the fire place.. it was a radical experience for sure.

Something interesting and exciting just about to happen. it falls on the 5th July 2008, Frenchie Steven and I drove to Piha from Raglan on a sunny winter day. Steven has ordered a custom board from Brad and we are gonna watch him shaping it. how often do you get the opportunity to do this ay? We are just bunch of lucky bastard and bitches to have him as a friend.
i was pretty excited to see the process of how a board been made closely too. We were given mask to cover our noses from the foam. Frenchie was sitting there quietly with anticipation of his new born lethal weapon!

there's up and down in my journey in new zealand, people in and out my life.. this is first time in my life, by myself in a new country, new place, new friends.. new friends became close friend and we treat each other like a big family... i was taking over housesitting for the dutchies for 3 weeks, i never liked cat in my life before i left home, but i found my new best friend - King Tubby, he's a fat as cat that live in the house. the first couple of days, i couldnt sleep cause of him making noises due to he isn't used to me.. but after we became good mates. he sleeps with me too.King Tubby changed me...

Well, brief story about my aussie trip.. i was staying with my friend in Maroubra Beach for 2 weeks . had a couple days of ok surf..then head up to Byron Bay to hunt for waves but i had no luck.. it's flat!!! neither Coolangatta was working well.. 2ft hauling onshore.. it's pretty deceptive. I was basically gave up surfing on the east coast of OZ.. instead of surfing.. went up party with some mates in "surfers paradise" then head to Fraser Island for few days.

we were on self drive adventure safari.. it's pretty fun trip though. then i continue my journey down south to Victoria.. spent a night in Melbourne city then head straight to the coast.. world famous bell beach in Torquay.. i love Torquay the most out of so many places i've been in aussie.. surf was pretty fun and good.. had a ball in torquay..then rented a car drive myself through the Great Ocean Road.. went to check out the 12 apostles and lord arc gorge.. pretty stunning view and amazing how mother nature created such a artistic picture on the coast.. Torquay just reminded me so much about Raglan.. Surfing town packed with good people and nice coast to stay in. but Oz can never live up like Nz to be honest. =p Victoria basically was my last stop.. flew back to NZ on the 2nd Oct 08.. when nearer to event, i was pretty excited to go back to nz .. i was really looking forward to that..
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