Fitness Fitness Competition Healthy Eating Mrs. International Pageant Prep Priscilla Pruitt It's Crunch Time! The last month before the pageant was no joke. I remember running at least 40 minutes a day (sprint intervals), muscle training h… Wednesday, July 26, 2017 Add Comment Edit
Beauty Pageants Fitness Fitness Competition International Pageants Mrs. International Your Time To Shine - Fitness Wear Society has told us that you must be a size 0, over 5’10, gorgeous, and resemble a Barbie when it comes to a pageantry and especi… Monday, July 10, 2017 Add Comment Edit
Amanda Moreno Beauty Pageants Beauty Queen Fitness Fitness Competition Fitspo Miss International Wellness Wellness Wednesday "Fitspo" for Fitness Wear On any given day, we can find ourself on social media looking at what is going on. Perhaps we see the latest trend or a hot produ… Wednesday, May 24, 2017 Add Comment Edit
Blair Wortsmith Fitness Fuel Up To Play 60 Miss Teen International Miss Teen International 2014 New Year's Resolutions New Years Resolutions and Fitness As we welcome the New Year, I want to talk about Resolutions! The most common resolution made at the beginning of the year is to … Monday, December 29, 2014 Add Comment Edit